Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Monoceros (Mon)  ·  Contains:  Christmas Tree Cluster  ·  IC 447  ·  IC 448  ·  NGC 2237  ·  NGC 2238  ·  NGC 2239  ·  NGC 2246  ·  NGC 2252  ·  NGC 2264  ·  Rosette A  ·  Rosette B  ·  Rosette Nebula  ·  The star 12 Mon  ·  The star 13 Mon  ·  The star 14 Mon  ·  The star 15 Mon  ·  The star 16 Mon  ·  The star 17 Mon
Rosette to the Cone: Wide-Field, Michael Caligiuri
Rosette to the Cone: Wide-Field
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Rosette to the Cone: Wide-Field

Rosette to the Cone: Wide-Field, Michael Caligiuri
Rosette to the Cone: Wide-Field
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Rosette to the Cone: Wide-Field



Acquisition details



This is a wide field capture of the region in Monoceros from the Rosette through the Cone nebulae. 
Imaged in narrowband. 11 x 15 min Ha; 7 x 15 min SII; 7 x 15 min OIII.
Color mapped using a modified Hubble palette (Standard palette with hue shifted toward red/yellow to taste).


Sky plot

Sky plot


Rosette to the Cone: Wide-Field, Michael Caligiuri