Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cepheus (Cep)  ·  Contains:  NGC 7380  ·  NGC 7423
NGC 7380, The Wizard Nebula 🧙, Jeroen Boumans
NGC 7380, The Wizard Nebula 🧙
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NGC 7380, The Wizard Nebula 🧙

NGC 7380, The Wizard Nebula 🧙, Jeroen Boumans
NGC 7380, The Wizard Nebula 🧙
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NGC 7380, The Wizard Nebula 🧙



Acquisition details



NGC 7380, I captured it in "only" 8h48m during not so great "seeing". This target is almost twice as dim (magnitude 7.2) than my previous image (NGC 7000 magnitude 4.0), but had to capture it quickly since we're dealing with dutch weather again. It is shot in Narrowband and ditched the greenish look for now. Might re-edit it in the future for a more Hubble'ish look.

The image looks noisy so I might add more data in the future and/or create a revision.

Process involved:
  • ChannelCombination (SHO),
  • SPCC,
  • Color Calibration for evening the SHO levels,
  • DarkStructureEnhance,
  • BlurXTerminator,
  • StarXTerminator (splitting stars and background),
  • Masking and denoising applied to background layer,
  • Boosting and adjusting colors and saturation,
  • Recombining front and background using PixelMath,
  • EZ Star Reduction.


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 7380, The Wizard Nebula 🧙, Jeroen Boumans