Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Vulpecula (Vul)  ·  Contains:  14 Vul  ·  Dumbbell Nebula  ·  HD189733  ·  HD345586  ·  M 27  ·  NGC 6853  ·  PK060-03.1  ·  The star 14 Vul
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M27 (Dumb Bell  Nebula), Joon Ren
M27 (Dumb Bell  Nebula), Joon Ren
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M27 (Dumb Bell Nebula)

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M27 (Dumb Bell  Nebula), Joon Ren
M27 (Dumb Bell  Nebula), Joon Ren
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M27 (Dumb Bell Nebula)



Acquisition details



M27 is a planetary nebula located in the constellation Vulpecula, formed from the gas emissions of a dying star. Although planetary nebulas are usually small, M27 appears larger due to its close proximity. Its centre which resembles an apple core can be readily seen in most telescopes under light pollution while the outer portions can be seen with darker skies or a narrowband filter.

I've always found it difficult to star-hop to M27 by hand, losing M27's orientation in the three brighter stars of Sagitta after starting from Altair and Tarazed.

Being unaware how difficult it would be (in terms of total exposure and processing) to bring out M27's outer shells, I naively assumed eight hours of exposure would be enough. It became apparent when the difficulties came during image processing, followed by realization and looking though other M27 images on Astrobin. In the end, I did manage to bring out some of the outer shells; they’re faint but definitely visible.

As M27’s small size starts to approach the resolution limits of the FRA400 - 2x Bayer drizzling, BlurXterminator, HDRMT and unsharp masking were used to maximize/recover as much detail as possible.



  • M27 (Dumb Bell  Nebula), Joon Ren
  • M27 (Dumb Bell  Nebula), Joon Ren

Sky plot

Sky plot


M27 (Dumb Bell  Nebula), Joon Ren

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