Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Hydrus (Hyi)
DEM S171/S172, Wolfgang Promper
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DEM S171/S172

DEM S171/S172, Wolfgang Promper
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DEM S171/S172



Acquisition details



DEM S171/S172 and ESO30-9
Recently Marcel Drechsler reached out to me if I could have a look at DEM S172 which might be a candidate for a planetary nebula.
I had a look at the field and saw that it would be good to frame it with DEM S171 and the galaxy ESO30-9  in the field.
The objects are in the Magelanic bridge right between the SMC and LMC.
DEM S171 is a supernova remnant, here is a paper I found about theese objects.
The objects are super faint for sure and my relatively wide narrowband filters made that quite challenging.
Anyway the field is quite popular at the moment as I saw an image from Steve Mandel of this one recently.
Hope you find it interresting


Sky plot

Sky plot


DEM S171/S172, Wolfgang Promper