Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Auriga (Aur)  ·  Contains:  12.12  ·  14 Aur  ·  16 Aur  ·  17 AR Aur  ·  18 Aur  ·  19 Aur  ·  21 sig Aur  ·  24 phi Aur  ·  25 chi Aur  ·  26 Aur  ·  702 Alauda  ·  AE Aur  ·  Auriga  ·  B222  ·  B226  ·  B29  ·  B34  ·  Flaming Star Nebula  ·  IC 405  ·  IC 410  ·  IC 417  ·  LBN 783  ·  LBN 784  ·  LBN 787  ·  LBN 791  ·  LBN 794  ·  LBN 795  ·  LBN 796  ·  LBN 797  ·  LBN 802  ·  And 49 more.
Sharpless 2-230, Ray Heinle
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Sharpless 2-230

Sharpless 2-230, Ray Heinle
Powered byPixInsight

Sharpless 2-230



Acquisition details



This shot over three nights, December 18,19, and 20. Since this object was in a dense starfield the Pixinsight StarReducer script was used to calm the stars.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Sharpless 2-230, Ray Heinle