Has anybody already tested RisingCam filter wheel: AFW? Generic equipment discussions · Stephane Perroud · ... · 30 · 1263 · 13

sperroud 0.00
Hi Astronomers,

The question is in the title. Has anybody already tested the RisingCam AFW filter wheel?

I start to get interested in mono imaging., Looking for an APS-C solution, I am tempted by Touptek "affordable" price. I'd like to spend maybe a bit more in the filters, and less in the wheel/cam.
I can't find any review or pictures done with this AFW equipment. I have the feeling this product is even newer than I am in the hobby.

Looking forward to read your opinions,

Anderl 3.81
·  1 like
I have got mine a few days ago but have not tested it yet. What i can say is that touptek has delivered very fast and at an price where others are just not competitive.

they even send me adapters and even an second filter wheel carousel in another size for free. 
Elsewhere i would have paid hundred of bucks for that alone.
sperroud 0.00
·  1 like
I have got mine a few days ago but have not tested it yet. What i can say is that touptek has delivered very fast and at an price where others are just not competitive.

they even send me adapters and even an second filter wheel carousel in another size for free. 
Elsewhere i would have paid hundred of bucks for that alone.

Thank Andy,
Well, I will be very interested in reading your first impressions. ^^
Anderl 3.81
Stephane Perroud:
I have got mine a few days ago but have not tested it yet. What i can say is that touptek has delivered very fast and at an price where others are just not competitive.

they even send me adapters and even an second filter wheel carousel in another size for free. 
Elsewhere i would have paid hundred of bucks for that alone.

Thank Andy,
Well, I will be very interested in reading your first impressions. ^^

I will of course share my experience as soon as possible but weather is really bad for the foreseeable future + i also bought an mono camera from them which i first need to buy filters for. So it will take a while.
WhooptieDo 9.82
·  1 like
Can let you know in a few days, I literally just finished setting one up about 30 minutes ago.
Pistachio_Enjoyer 2.15
Hello there,
I don't have experience with their new filter wheel, but I can tell you that the latest touptek variants of the imx571 are compatible with the ZWO EFW. I can also suggest getting the OGMA variant if you live in the US as it comes with a built-in tilt plate that can easily be adjusted. Hope this helps.
leihen 0.00
Hello there,

I have purchased the Touptek EFW. It is working well in N.I.N.A., however it seems to rotate only in one direction when used in the sequencer, although it can obviously rotate in both directions. But that is not really a problem. The filter wheel itself is of very good quality.

When using the EFW with INDI/EKOS/KStars however, the EFW does not seem to report back the actual position, which seems to be the reason why the system is waiting infinitely when a filter position is requested during/before a capture.

I don‘t actually know how to fix this other than kicking the EFW out of the optical train definition and performing the filter wheel change using the driver directly. This is not how it should be. I guess the (Linux) driver is not yet mature enough.

In case anybody knows a solution, please let me know.

Anderl 3.81
·  1 like
i am using the efw for a few days now. 
the filter wheel works great but the filter masks touptek delivered with it, don't work well with my antlia edge 4.5nm 36mm filters.
guess that is more the fault of the filters than the filter masks. either way I am getting pretty funky light leaks cause of the not good blackened edges of the filters. I will try to 3d print a solution but until then the light leak through the filter edges is so strong that I am not able to correct my lights with flats in a (for me) satisfying way.

sperroud 0.00
I finally also ordered my AFW filter wheel from toutptek.
it’s my first mono setup, so to be honest I did not understand well the use of the provided filter masks. I found surprising they are made of hard metal. I somehow expected a softer material and I decided to mount my antlia filters using only the soft washers. And I can confirm I also have a lot of light leaks.
I will try to add these filter masks soon a try again. And hope they work with my 2mm thick filters. Not sure now if I will need to 3D print additional parts.
Anderl 3.81
·  1 like
Stephane Perroud:
I finally also ordered my AFW filter wheel from toutptek.
it’s my first mono setup, so to be honest I did not understand well the use of the provided filter masks. I found surprising they are made of hard metal. I somehow expected a softer material and I decided to mount my antlia filters using only the soft washers. And I can confirm I also have a lot of light leaks.
I will try to add these filter masks soon a try again. And hope they work with my 2mm thick filters. Not sure now if I will need to 3D print additional parts.

at least for me they have not worked.
I asked touptek about the inner diameter of the masks (35.02mm).

this is my solution for now. they are designed to work together with the filter masks touptek delivered. just insert them and fix them in place (on top of the filter masks) with the washers. oh and you probably need to scale them in your slicer software. not the best possible solution but my flats look much better. depending on your setup, camera and focal length you could get some vignetting. 

sperroud 0.00
Stephane Perroud:
I finally also ordered my AFW filter wheel from toutptek.
it’s my first mono setup, so to be honest I did not understand well the use of the provided filter masks. I found surprising they are made of hard metal. I somehow expected a softer material and I decided to mount my antlia filters using only the soft washers. And I can confirm I also have a lot of light leaks.
I will try to add these filter masks soon a try again. And hope they work with my 2mm thick filters. Not sure now if I will need to 3D print additional parts.

Update: No more weird reflections after I used the filter masks supplied with the Touptek wheel. My Antlia 3nm (36mm unmounted) work great in this Touptek AFW.
Thank you @Andi for your suggestion of 3D printed parts, but I did not need them. Probably because the filters are well side-painted...
And thanks to all of you for your messages, I believe I made the right choice spending less in the cam/wheel and more in the filters.
a26413768 0.00
·  1 like
I have using a 5*2" version for over 3 months. It is pretty stable. Haven't got any problems for now.
TheSpice 0.90
Hi everyone, 

I am thinkkng about bying the touptek afw. 
I wonder if it's still Not possible to rotate the Wheel in both directions? I am using NINA. 

Best regards
sperroud 0.00
Hi everyone, 

I am thinkkng about bying the touptek afw. 
I wonder if it's still Not possible to rotate the Wheel in both directions? I am using NINA. 

Best regards

Hi Andreas,
The wheel is not turning in both directions using NINA.
It's pretty quick though for the wheel to perform a complete turn.
Edited ...
leihen 0.00
I noticed that the filter wheel actually moves in both directions, in case you change the (ASCOM) settings. I don’t recall whether you have to deactivate „bidirectional“ or you have to activate „unidirectional“ - I think you just have to change it to the opposite meaning. 
I would appreciate it if you guys could check to see, if you observe the same (inverted) behavior.
sperroud 0.00
I noticed that the filter wheel actually moves in both directions, in case you change the (ASCOM) settings. I don’t recall whether you have to deactivate „bidirectional“ or you have to activate „unidirectional“ - I think you just have to change it to the opposite meaning. 
I would appreciate it if you guys could check to see, if you observe the same (inverted) behavior.

OK, thank you @H.Leinen for pointing this out.
I just tried it. i can confirm the wheel is somehow able to turn in both directions. But the ASCOM driver needs an update.
1) By default, the wheel truns in one direction only.
2) Everytime I open the ASCOM settings, the "Unidirectional" checkbox is uncheked (even if it was checked before).
3) I need to check "unidirectional" checkox to have the wheel turning in both directions
4) If I want the wheel turning in one direction only, I need to check and uncheck the checkbox.
5) If the wheel is set up so that it can turn in both direction, then disconneting and reconnecting will make it turn in one direction only. It does not rememeber its old settings.

You confirm also this behaviour?
I did test it running N.I.N.A (nightly) 3.0 RC002.

Anyway, @Andreas, please do not consider my previous message. Sorry for that. The wheel should be able to turn anytime soon in both directions, hopefully.

Does anybody know who actually built the "ASCOM Touptek FiltwerWheel"? Should I report this to N.I.N.A developpers or Touptek?

WhooptieDo 9.82
Hey all,   I apologize I pretty much forgot about this thread.    I've been withholding a wealth of information about this filter wheel.

First of all, I purchased the OGMA 7x36mm filter wheel, which is actually a rebranded Touptek filter wheel.   Initial impressions were very good, the build quality of the filter wheel seemed top notch, if not better than my QHY filter wheel.  The board was clean, there were no visible opportunities for light leak on the external edges of the filter wheel. 

There was however one isssue, but I must state ahead of time, this issue is not isolated to Touptek and can happen to any 36mm/APSC combo.

***NOTE: Reflective inside edges against the filterss***

**Notice reflections on the left corners**

Here is the exact framing showing Propus and another local star being the culprits of reflection.

Basically, what was happening was I would get edge reflections from out of frame stars.   I was using the provided filter masks, which are very sturdy and fit well, btw.    It took me a couple weeks to isolate it down, but ultimately the coating/finish on the filter masks was too reflective.   If a star was to land on the interior edge of the surface, it would reflect across the surface of the filter like a streak.    This became a serious issue during my 20 minute exposures in narrowband, but was far less prevalent in broadband.   You may not notice it until you stack all your images.    

*** Looking down the OTA.  You can clearly see the interior edge of the filter mask reflecting against the filter.   *note this sensor has since been replaced* ***

The solution, however was quite simple.   I picked up some cheap blackout paint from Amazon, and painted each filter mask entirely.   Once I got a solid two coats on the masks, I shined a flashlight and it was clear there was no opportunity for reflections anymore.     Now, lemme preface one thing, this paint I used it water based, so I cannot in good faith recommend it... more of a 'use at your own risk' because I do not know what should happen if moisture were to build up inside.   So far, I've had zero issues though.   A couple friends have also now used this paint on their filter masks and alleviated issues as well.     I do not believe they were aware of how reflective even 3D printed masks could be in their equipment.   (Put this little tidbit of knowledge in your back pocket next time you're chasing reflections and light leaks).

** Water based paint, use at your own risk or find alternative**

*** Zero chance of reflections now ***

I've been running the Touptek/OGMA filter wheel now for roughly 3 months without ANY further issues.  100% happy camper.   Also, for those who may ask, I do not have unidirectional movement checked in the ASCOM settings.
Edited ...
leihen 0.00
Stephane Perroud:
I noticed that the filter wheel actually moves in both directions, in case you change the (ASCOM) settings. I don’t recall whether you have to deactivate „bidirectional“ or you have to activate „unidirectional“ - I think you just have to change it to the opposite meaning. 
I would appreciate it if you guys could check to see, if you observe the same (inverted) behavior.

OK, thank you @H.Leinen for pointing this out.
I just tried it. i can confirm the wheel is somehow able to turn in both directions. But the ASCOM driver needs an update.
1) By default, the wheel truns in one direction only.
2) Everytime I open the ASCOM settings, the "Unidirectional" checkbox is uncheked (even if it was checked before).
3) I need to check "unidirectional" checkox to have the wheel turning in both directions
4) If I want the wheel turning in one direction only, I need to check and uncheck the checkbox.
5) If the wheel is set up so that it can turn in both direction, then disconneting and reconnecting will make it turn in one direction only. It does not rememeber its old settings.

You confirm also this behaviour?
I did test it running N.I.N.A (nightly) 3.0 RC002.

Anyway, @Andreas, please do not consider my previous message. Sorry for that. The wheel should be able to turn anytime soon in both directions, hopefully.

Does anybody know who actually built the "ASCOM Touptek FiltwerWheel"? Should I report this to N.I.N.A developpers or Touptek?


@Stephane, I do not know who is actually responsible for the ASCOM drivers. And I do not know the archiecture of ASCOM and NINA interaction. In my opinion the issue must be solved by Touptek.

I had raised this as an issue already to the support of Touptek a few weeks ago. So far I did not get any feedback.  Maybe it will be prioritized if they get more feedback.

WhooptieDo 9.82
·  1 like
@Stephane, I do not know who is actually responsible for the ASCOM drivers. And I do not know the archiecture of ASCOM and NINA interaction. In my opinion the issue must be solved by Touptek.

I had raised this as an issue already to the support of Touptek a few weeks ago. So far I did not get any feedback.  Maybe it will be prioritized if they get more feedback.


I believe Touptek is responsible for the driver package, which then propogates out to the associated rebrands like Risingcam and OGMA.
TheSpice 0.90
Stephane Perroud:
I noticed that the filter wheel actually moves in both directions, in case you change the (ASCOM) settings. I don’t recall whether you have to deactivate „bidirectional“ or you have to activate „unidirectional“ - I think you just have to change it to the opposite meaning. 
I would appreciate it if you guys could check to see, if you observe the same (inverted) behavior.

OK, thank you @H.Leinen for pointing this out.
I just tried it. i can confirm the wheel is somehow able to turn in both directions. But the ASCOM driver needs an update.
1) By default, the wheel truns in one direction only.
2) Everytime I open the ASCOM settings, the "Unidirectional" checkbox is uncheked (even if it was checked before).
3) I need to check "unidirectional" checkox to have the wheel turning in both directions
4) If I want the wheel turning in one direction only, I need to check and uncheck the checkbox.
5) If the wheel is set up so that it can turn in both direction, then disconneting and reconnecting will make it turn in one direction only. It does not rememeber its old settings.

You confirm also this behaviour?
I did test it running N.I.N.A (nightly) 3.0 RC002.

Anyway, @Andreas, please do not consider my previous message. Sorry for that. The wheel should be able to turn anytime soon in both directions, hopefully.

Does anybody know who actually built the "ASCOM Touptek FiltwerWheel"? Should I report this to N.I.N.A developpers or Touptek?


Hello Stephane,

thank you very much for your feedback. I have now ordered the filter wheel directly from Touptek.

Also thx @Brian Puhl  for the detailed description of possible reflections.

TheSpice 0.90
Hello everyone, my filter wheel arrived today. Unfortunately, I can't manage to establish a connection with it. I have installed the Ascom driver from the Touptek website. In the Win11 Device Manager, a filter wheel is also displayed as soon as I connect the AFW via USB.

Unfortunately, the filter wheel is not recognised in NINA and in the ASCOM Diagnostics tool. I have tried it with the current NINA release version and the new v3.

Any ideas what I can do?

Anderl 3.81
Hello everyone, my filter wheel arrived today. Unfortunately, I can't manage to establish a connection with it. I have installed the Ascom driver from the Touptek website. In the Win11 Device Manager, a filter wheel is also displayed as soon as I connect the AFW via USB.

Unfortunately, the filter wheel is not recognised in NINA and in the ASCOM Diagnostics tool. I have tried it with the current NINA release version and the new v3.

Any ideas what I can do?


I would first check if it gets recognized by the toupsky software (I think that was the name) and if so update Nina, restart your pc and well that works for me.. most of the time

TheSpice 0.90
I would first check if it gets recognized by the toupsky software (I think that was the name) and if so update Nina, restart your pc and well that works for me.. most of the time

I tried the toupsky software. I couldnt find a way to connect to any filter wheel in the software. 

Do i need a toutpek camera to run the software?
WhooptieDo 9.82
Are you running through a camera hub or discreet usb cabling?  Maybe switch this up? 

Verify you are running the proper version of ascom.   I will check all my settings when I get home tonight.  I had zero issues.
Anderl 3.81
I would first check if it gets recognized by the toupsky software (I think that was the name) and if so update Nina, restart your pc and well that works for me.. most of the time

I tried the toupsky software. I couldnt find a way to connect to any filter wheel in the software. 

Do i need a toutpek camera to run the software?

for me the wheel shows up on the left side of toupsky without connecting anything.
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